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Chiral composition

Chiral composition for near infra-red light detection and emission for near infra-red light detection and emission.

IVAs 100-lista 2022

Chirality is changing our lives and revolutionizing our industries. Chiral materials and their ability to detect and emit circularly polarized light could be applied in a wide range of applications, including advanced sensing technologies, encryptions, and high-contrast displays. Here, we demonstrate a molecular composition of organic semiconducting materials exhibiting outstanding semiconductor properties and strong chiroptical activities. We highlight our approach particularly extends the working wavelength of the state-of-the-art chiral materials to near infra-red region, which is particularly useful in object sensing and short-distance wireless communication. 

My invention focuses on the chirality induction in organic small molecules. I am planning to apply this method in material designs in applications such as circularly polarized light sensing, wireless communications, and possibly circularly polarized emission. I am seeking to collaborate with companies which focus on object sensing, displays, and other circularly polarized light related areas.

IVAs 100-lista 2022: Teknik i mänsklighetens tjänst

IVAs 100-lista 2022 lyfter fram en mångfald av forskningsprojekt från svenska lärosäten, på temat Teknik i mänsklighetens tjänst. Projekten har genom urval bedömts ha stor potential att skapa nytta, genom kommersialisering, affärs- och metodutveckling eller samhällspåverkan. Alla deltagande forskare är intresserade av ökade kontakter med näringslivet för tillämpning och fortsatt utveckling av sina projekt. Projektbeskrivningarna i listan är forskarnas egna. 

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