Technology in the service of humanity

Welcome to the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) – a meeting place for Sweden’s future for more than 100 years. IVA brings together expertise and experience from around 1,300 Fellows and 250 companies. Together, we build bridges between academia, business and politics, supporting humanity’s capacity to contribute positively to society through the engineering and economic sciences. You are invited to learn about, and take part in, our work.

Articles & reports




How can the Swedish mining cluster strengthen Europe's supply of metals and minerals?

Monday den 17 February 2025

14:00- 16:00 CET


IVA Konferenscenter, Grev Turegatan 16, Stockholm.

The event is streamed online

Energy & Resources

How can the Swedish mining cluster strengthen Europe's supply of metals and minerals?


Magnets for a Sustainable World

Tuesday den 11 March 2025

16:00- 19:00 CET


IVA Conference Center, Grev Turegatan 16, Stockholm

The event is streamed online

Magnets for a Sustainable World


Fellows of IVA

IVA has around 1,300 elected Swedish and international Fellows, divided into 12 Divisions in various fields of technology and economics. See who they are here!

IVA’s Business Executives Council

The Business Executives Council roots IVA in the business community, making it an essential part of the Academy. Through their activities, the 250 or so member companies make a strong contribution to the development of the Academy.