Minalyze awarded for smart digitalization of the mining industry
Minalyze wins IVA's Smart Industry 2023 Business Competition. The company has developed advanced digital technologies as a basis for a world-unique offering that strengthens the mining industry's ability to collect and visualize geological data.

We are delighted to have been named the winner of the Smart Industry business competition for our world-unique product that can quickly analyze and digitize large amounts of drill samples and facilitate the mining industry's prospecting for metals and minerals.
Annelie Lundström, founder and CEO of Minalyze
The jury's motivation
Minalyze AB wins the 2023 Smart Industry Business Competition for using proprietary advanced digital technologies as a base for developing a world-unique offering that strengthens mining companies' ability to collect and visualize geological data. Minalyze's digital technology also strengthens the Swedish mining industry, contributes to Europe's independence from metals and minerals from other geopolitical regions, and accelerates society's electrification and the green transition.
"The jury has had a difficult task to select a winner as there has been an extremely high quality among the candidates. This gives an indication of the breadth of innovative companies that exist in Sweden when it comes to digitalisation," says Fredrik Hörstedt, vice president of IVA and chairman of the jury.
Honorable mentions to Åkerströms Björbo and Preformance
Åkerströms Björbo AB, that offers radio control and digital services for industrial processes, and Preformance AB, that focuses on the production of injection-moulded plastic parts, are honoured with honorable mention.
The jury's motivations
Åkerströms Björbo AB is awarded an honorable mention in the 2023 Business Competition for its long tradition of digitalization, always based on the customer's needs and with more efficient use of resources and a reduced climate footprint as guiding principles. Renew its offering and value creation for its customers, while at the same time undergoing radical changes internally. Åkerströms Björbo's development shows that it is possible to conduct competitive business even far beyond the traditional industrial regions, which provides clear encouragement to other Swedish entrepreneurs.
Preformance AB is awarded an honorable mention in the 2023 Smart Industry Business Competition for their highly efficient development and production, well-thought-out recruitment and use of advanced digital tools, creating great customer value, high productivity and a profitable business in rapid growth. Preformance shows that modern manufacturing industry has a natural place in Sweden and the company has the potential to become an important supplier to even more Swedish customer companies. In addition, Preformance inspires other Swedish manufacturing companies to take similar development steps. Anna Stiwne, Åkerströms Björbo AB, Torbjörn Svensson, Minalyze, Henrik Arnesson, Preformance. Photo: Stefan Hollertz