Governance and management

IVA’s operations and mandate are regulated by the Academy’s statutes. IVA is governed by a Presidium that serves as the Academy’s board. The highest decision-making body at IVA is the Assembly of the Academy. IVA’s Secretariat and the Secretariat’s management team work to support the Academy’s operational activities, as well as driving development and change management work.

IVA’s President at the lectern during the Annual Meeting at City Hall
citat tecken

IVA, founded in 1919, is a community of elected members active in the technical and economic sciences, or in areas where these are applied. The academy's task is to promote technical and economic sciences and business development for the benefit of society.

§1 IVA's statutes

Assembly of the Academy

The Assembly of the Academy is IVA’s highest decision-making body, in which all Fellows of IVA have voting rights. This is, for example, where decisions are taken on the election of Swedish Fellows following proposals from the Divisions. There are usually four regular assemblies and one public Annual Meeting each year.


Marcus Wallenberg


Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn

Deputy Chair

Håkan Buskhe

Chair IVA’s Business Executives Council

Erik Ekudden

Deputy Chair

Pontus Johnson

Deputy Chair

Anna Valtonen

Deputy Chair

Sylvia Schwaag Serger


Joakim Appelquist

Academy Secretary and vice president


Felicia Öberg

Chair IVA’s Student Council


The Collegium of the Academy 

Prior to a decision in the Presidium, the task of the Collegium of the Academy is to discuss issues that concern all the Divisions, such as statutes and rules of procedure and the budget. The Collegium of the Academy includes the Chair of the Academy, the Chairs of the Divisions, the Chairs of the three Regional Networks and the President. The Secretary to the Academy and the Chairs of the Business Executives Council and the IVA’s Leadership Programme (IFG) are also called to the meetings. The other members of the Presidium are entitled to attend the Collegium of the Academy’s meetings. 

Regional boards

Gothenburg, Luleå and Malmö/Lund are nodes in IVA’s national network, with regional boards responsible for operations, supported by IVA’s Secretariat in Stockholm. The boards include Fellows of IVA and at least one representative from the IVA’s Business Executives Council, all with regional connections.

IVA North 

Pär Weihed, Chair, Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn, Deputy Chair, Ylva Fältholm, Deputy Chair,  Maria Sunér, Helene Biström, Mikael Elofsson, Hans-Erik Nilsson, Anders Sand, Jenny Greberg, Tor Björn Minde, Moa Hansson  (co-opted), Oliver Larsson (co-opted) och Eva Lagerblad, (Secretary).

IVA West 

Victoria van Camp, Chair, Cecilia Larsson, Rikard Landberg, Leif Asp, Filip JohnssonUlrika KolsrudMatilda Svensson (co-opted),  Gustaf Wahlström, (Secretary), Henrik Larson (co-opted Secretary).

IVA South 

Björn Ekelund, Chair, Johan Eklund, Deputy Chair, Annika Olsson, Deputy Chair, Roger BergUlf EllervikMarie SandinViktor ÖwallBert Nordberg, Teo Bergkvist (co-opted)Sophia Lennartsson (co-opted),, Maja Berggren (co-opted)Ann Brunnberg, (Secretary).

Management team IVA’s Secretariat

Sylvia Schwaag Serger
Joakim Appelquist

Academy Secretary and vice president

+46 765 - 14 48 75

Katarina Arneving

Operational support

Chief Financial Officer, Head of unit

+46 8-791 29 15

Ann Brunnberg

Chief Communications Officer

+46 72 077 38 08

Elin Elliot

External Relations

Head of External Relations

+46 761 - 12 03 22

Jessica Eripe

Operational support


+46 720 77 02 21

Michael Jacob
Monica Krutmeijer

Assistant to the President

+46 8 791 29 71

IVAs stadgar

IVA's way of working - Code of Conduct