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IVA’s 100 List: current research with potential to create value

IVA's annual 100 List highlights current research with the potential to create value through commercialization, business and method development or societal impact. Find carefully selected research projects from Sweden's higher education institutions, where all participants are interested in increased contacts with the business community.





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EASYLIFE - IVAs 100-lista 2020

Integrering och demonstration av affärsmodell och teknisk plattform för transporteffektiv sammanlänkning av lokalproducenter och dess kunder.

Smart products & services

Konstgjorda antikroppar - IVAs 100-lista 2020

Antikroppsfria testmetoder kan leda till billig och brett tillgänglig sjukdoms-diagnostik.

Smart products & services

Molekylärt Termiskt Solenergisystem - IVAs 100-lista 2020

Nya material for energieffektiva byggnader.

Resource & energy efficiency

Autonomous Aerial Inspection of Ore Passes - IVAs 100-lista 2020

Autonomous flying drones in mining environments for visual surveillance.

Smart products & services

Anatomisk axelled till krockdocka - IVAs 100-lista 2020

Ny axelled på krockdockan THOR.

Society & welfare

Cat2Frac - IVAs 100-lista 2020

Textilier, byggmaterial, kemikalier och biodrivmedel från outnyttjade skogsrester.

Resource & energy efficiency

MiG BioCooker - IVAS 100-lista 2020

Ren luft, rent vatten och rent jordbruk med fokus mot utvecklingsländer.

Resource & energy efficiency

Increase the Stability of Next-Generation of Photovoltaic Devices - IVAs 100-lista 2020

Stable hole-transport layer for long-term operation of perovskite solar cells.

Resource & energy efficiency


Wastewater reclamation and biomass generation by Nordic microalgae.

Resource & energy efficiency

Personalized Real-Time Neurostimulation - IVAs 100-lista 2023

The challenge is to develop stimulation patterns that interact with the nervous system in a timely and precise manner to mitigate abnormal activity. Current stimulation methods lack predictive models, which makes it difficult to anticipate how the brain will react to a specific stimulus. This can lead to unintended consequences and ineffective treatment.

Society & welfare
Deep tech

About IVA’s 100 List

IVA’s annual 100 List pulls together a wide range of research projects from Swedish higher education institutions on topical themes. The selection process picks out the projects that are deemed to offer the greatest potential to create value through commercialisation, business and method development or societal impact. All the participating researchers are interested in closer contact with the business community for the application and continued development of their projects.

All about IVA’s 100 List – Q&A

By building bridges between the communities of research and business, we give research with the potential to change the world a greater opportunity to be put to good use.