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IVA’s 100 List: current research with potential to create value

IVA's annual 100 List highlights current research with the potential to create value through commercialization, business and method development or societal impact. Find carefully selected research projects from Sweden's higher education institutions, where all participants are interested in increased contacts with the business community.





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Zinkjon Batterier - IVAs 100-lista 2019

Batterier för Storskalig Energilagring

Society & welfare

Strukturella batterier - IVAs 100-lista 2020

Viktlös energilagring för bilar, båtar och flygplan.

Resource & energy efficiency

GreenIoT - IVAs 100-lista 2020

En intelligent IoT-plattform för öppen data och hållbar utveckling.

Smart products & services

Svart Iris - IVAs 100-lista 2023

SVART IRIS utvecklar metoder för att med hjälp av simulering och strukturerad analys stödja konceptutvecklingen av beslutsstödsystem i tidiga faser av systemutveckling. Metodutvecklingen drivs genom fyra tillämpade fall från flygledningsarenan.


Unification of Ground and Aerial Robots - IVAs 100-lista 2023

We have designed a novel robotic architecture that for the first time ever unifies multi-modalities in robotic locomotion (walking and flying), while creating an embodiment of autonomy.

Deep tech
Smart industry

Safe mixed traffic in mining environments - IVAs 100-lista 2023

We have developed a unique solution for efficient and safe sharing of infrastructure. The research combines a proven-correct algorithm that stops vehicles before a potential accident occurs, with a method for safety analysis that enables certification to relevant standards of the entire system of self-driving and manual vehicles.

Smart industry

Trådlös bakteriesensor - IVAs 100-lista 2020

Trådlös bakteriesensor i medicintekniska produkter kan förebygga infektioner och minska antibiotikaanvändning.

Smart products & services

Celcibus – IVAs 100-lista 2020

Hållbart, billigt och möjliggörande alternativ till platina.

Smart products & services

Tunna solceller - IVAs 100-lista 2020

Högeffektivt solcellsskal med arkitektoniska värden.

Resource & energy efficiency

DEC-HEF - IVAs 100-lista 2020

Design and ElectroCrystallization of High Entropy thin Films

Resource & energy efficiency

About IVA’s 100 List

IVA’s annual 100 List pulls together a wide range of research projects from Swedish higher education institutions on topical themes. The selection process picks out the projects that are deemed to offer the greatest potential to create value through commercialisation, business and method development or societal impact. All the participating researchers are interested in closer contact with the business community for the application and continued development of their projects.

All about IVA’s 100 List – Q&A

By building bridges between the communities of research and business, we give research with the potential to change the world a greater opportunity to be put to good use.