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IVA’s 100 List: current research with potential to create value

IVA's annual 100 List highlights current research with the potential to create value through commercialization, business and method development or societal impact. Find carefully selected research projects from Sweden's higher education institutions, where all participants are interested in increased contacts with the business community.





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SSF Time-Critical Clouds (TCC) - IVAs 100-lista 2019

Projektet SSF TCC utvecklar intelligenta digitala infrastrukturer med förmåga till kostnadseffektiv tjänsteleverans med kvantifierbar pålitlighet och robusthet.


AI Factory - IVAs 100-lista 2021

A set of smart cloud/edge-based digital AI-services that are aimed to accelerate digitalisation in industrial contexts.

Smart industry

Collaborative Autonomous Aerial Inspection of Infrastructure - IVAs 100-lista 2019

The research project was aiming to create a fleet of autonomous drones for the cooperative aerial inspection of the aging infrastructure.


Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Storage Systems - IVAs 100-lista 2019

Scalable solutions for energy storage is a key requirement for a sustainable society.

Society & welfare

Continuous-X - IVAs 100-lista 2019

- for safety-critical embedded systems


Hyperlokalt väder - IVAs 100-lista 2019

- med maskininlärning och bildanalys


About IVA’s 100 List

IVA’s annual 100 List pulls together a wide range of research projects from Swedish higher education institutions on topical themes. The selection process picks out the projects that are deemed to offer the greatest potential to create value through commercialisation, business and method development or societal impact. All the participating researchers are interested in closer contact with the business community for the application and continued development of their projects.

All about IVA’s 100 List – Q&A

By building bridges between the communities of research and business, we give research with the potential to change the world a greater opportunity to be put to good use.