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Adding value to biorefineries by reducing antibiotic use in animal farms

With antibiotic resistance being one major challenge for humanity, actions to reduce antibiotic use are required.

IVAs 100-lista 2023

Regulations have drastically reduced antibiotic use in human and animal treatments. However, animal diseases are a huge risk for farmers and consumers, so alternatives to antibiotics are needed. One way to do this is to improve the defenses of the animals to diminish the disease cases. An option with great potential is to use health enhancers like probiotics and prebiotics.

Our innovation will improve the health benefits of microbes already used in industry, currently used as animal feed. These microbes improve gut health by hindering the growth of disease agents, helping to lower the use of antibiotics in farms. Moreover, by improving the protection power of these microbes, value is added to the existing fermentation processes. This value addition can be key to making economically feasible the bioproduction of sustainable alternatives to products like oils, and plastics.

IVAs 100-lista 2023: Teknik i mänsklighetens tjänst

IVAs 100-lista 2023 lyfter fram en mångfald av forskningsprojekt från svenska lärosäten, på temat Teknik i mänsklighetens tjänst inom klimatomställning, energiförsörjning, välfärdsteknologi, cybersäkerhet och krisberedskap. Projekten har genom urval bedömts ha stor potential att skapa nytta, genom kommersialisering, affärs- och metodutveckling eller samhällspåverkan. Alla deltagande forskare är intresserade av ökade kontakter med näringslivet för tillämpning och fortsatt utveckling av sina projekt. Projektbeskrivningarna i listan är forskarnas egna. 

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