Collaborative Large Scale Autonomous Task Allocation for aerial multi-robots based Mine Inspections

The biggest trend in the mining industry is the extraction of deposits from increasing larger depths that forces the utilization of novel concepts for deep mining at depths where the human presence is not possible and only fully autonomous robotized solutions for inspection and extraction can secure a safe and profitable mining.

Deep mine

Towards these challenges we have developed a completely novel system for coordinating autonomously multiple robots for the completion of mine operations as inspection.

IVA’s 100 List 2024: Innovation through Interdisciplinary Research

IVA’s 100 List 2024 highlights a diverse range of research projects from Swedish universities, under the theme Technology in the Service of Humanity - Innovation through Interdisciplinary Research. The projects have been selected based on their great potential to create value through commercialization, business and method development, or societal impact. All participating researchers are interested in increased contacts with the business sector for the application and further development of their projects.

Named contact persons for each research project on the 100 List are responsible for the accuracy of the information presented.

All about IVA’s 100 List – Q&A