Graphene biosensors for speedy detection of pathogens
We have developed novel, scalable graphene-based biosensors that can detect any pathogen within minutes. The food industry’s pathogen detection market is nearly $22 billion but lacks reliable rapid testing methods.

The core of our sensors, a graphene field-effect transistor, readily changes its electrical resistance with the addition of infinitesimal amounts of substances on its surface. By attaching biological receptors to the graphene, the resistance change becomes specific to the target analyte, enabling reliable pathogen detection. Our patent-pending technology offers a scalable, affordable sensor fabrication process, potentially replacing most current test protocols. We have successfully detected cancer biomarkers and Streptococcus pneumoniae in the lab and will soon target Listeria monocytogenes. Future customers in this industry are very enthusiastic about using our sensors due to their rapid testing capability.