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Machine learning based Prediction and Analysis of Incipient Faults in Power Systems

Electric utilities currently rely on a reactive approach to grid management, towards the disturbances and faults that have occurred. This approach can lead to severe grid faults and high costs associated with downtime, energy loss, damaged equipment, and unscheduled maintenance.

IVAs 100-lista 2023

In this research, we have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) based solution that predicts incipient faults within weeks of horizon using only voltage and current signals recorded by existing devices.

The Proposed solution enables utilities to proactively identify potential issues and take preventive measures. By implementing this online, grid-wide solution, we have observed a significant reduction in yearly downtime by 60% and a 20-30% decrease in operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. This predictive maintenance system allows utilities to maintain a more stable and reliable grid while minimizing the financial and operational impact of unexpected faults and disturbances.

IVAs 100-lista 2023: Teknik i mänsklighetens tjänst

IVAs 100-lista 2023 lyfter fram en mångfald av forskningsprojekt från svenska lärosäten, på temat Teknik i mänsklighetens tjänst inom klimatomställning, energiförsörjning, välfärdsteknologi, cybersäkerhet och krisberedskap. Projekten har genom urval bedömts ha stor potential att skapa nytta, genom kommersialisering, affärs- och metodutveckling eller samhällspåverkan. Alla deltagande forskare är intresserade av ökade kontakter med näringslivet för tillämpning och fortsatt utveckling av sina projekt. Projektbeskrivningarna i listan är forskarnas egna. 

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