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Using AI to preserve privacy in healthcare

Mabel AI has developed a fully private voice-to-voice translation solution that enables instant communication between patient and healthcare provider.

IVAs 100-lista 2023

Language barriers are a major obstacle to national and international goals for public health, health equality and integration. Over 1 BSEK/year are spent on interpretation by Swedish regions and municipalities, mostly in healthcare - not including larger hidden costs of unnecessary complications, visits, tests and caregiver workload that occur due to miscommunication.

To address this growing problem, Mabel AI has developed a fully private voice-to-voice translation solution that enables instant communication between patient and healthcare provider. Importantly, unlike cloud-based translation apps, our solution guarantees confidentiality by performing all AI operations locally in the phone or tablet. The unique in-device technology makes Mabel compatible with data security requirements in health care and many other areas, such as education. Moreover, it means that Mabel can be used anytime and anywhere regardless of network access - such as on flights and even in bomb shelters.

IVAs 100-lista 2023: Teknik i mänsklighetens tjänst

IVAs 100-lista 2023 lyfter fram en mångfald av forskningsprojekt från svenska lärosäten, på temat Teknik i mänsklighetens tjänst inom klimatomställning, energiförsörjning, välfärdsteknologi, cybersäkerhet och krisberedskap. Projekten har genom urval bedömts ha stor potential att skapa nytta, genom kommersialisering, affärs- och metodutveckling eller samhällspåverkan. Alla deltagande forskare är intresserade av ökade kontakter med näringslivet för tillämpning och fortsatt utveckling av sina projekt. Projektbeskrivningarna i listan är forskarnas egna. 

Allt om IVAs 100-lista - frågor och svar