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IVA’s 100 List: current research with potential to create value

IVA's annual 100 List highlights current research with the potential to create value through commercialization, business and method development or societal impact. Find carefully selected research projects from Sweden's higher education institutions, where all participants are interested in increased contacts with the business community.





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Global Soil Data Manager (GSDM) - IVAs 100-lista 2019

By doing the right thing at the right place, crop production can become more productive, profitable and sustainable.

Society & welfare

4Boards.ai - IVAs 100-lista 2019

The challenges of AI for sustainable and innovative corporate governance

Business models

VectorizeMove - IVAs 100-lista 2019

VectorizeMove is the world’s first reliable, easy-to-use service that can objectively analyse gait outside the clinic, in everyday life (of both humans & animals) using wearable devices & robust algorithms;

Society & welfare

Talkamatic AB - IVAs 100-lista 2019

Talkamatic are experts within Conversational AI and Dialog. We can help customers see and develop new dialog-based interaction possibilities.


Digitalt beslutsstöd - IVAs 100-lista 2020

Digitalt beslutsstöd för utveckling av morgondagens hållbara produkt/tjänstelösningar.

Smart products & services

Intelligent packning med automatisk frekvensstyrning – IVAs 100-lista 2020

Ny teknik minskar kostnader och miljöpåverkan i byggbranschen.


Avsaltning driven av marina förnybara energikällor - IVAs 100-lista 2020

Om möjligheten att skapa färskvatten med hjälp av vågkraftsdriven avsaltning.

Resource & energy efficiency

Energieffektiva minnen för integrerade elektroniska kretsar - IVAs 100-lista 2020

Designprocess för teknologioberoende IP-utveckling för elektroniska integrerade lågeffektkretsar.

Smart products & services

Glas och elektroniskt avfall som hållbara framtida källor av metaller

Utvinning av metaller med 99% effektivitet ur glasdelar i elektriska apparater och artistiska glas.

Resource & energy efficiency

Tillförlitlig och effektiv järnväg - IVAs 100-lista 2020

Förebygga och hantera sprickbildning i hjul och räls.


About IVA’s 100 List

IVA’s annual 100 List pulls together a wide range of research projects from Swedish higher education institutions on topical themes. The selection process picks out the projects that are deemed to offer the greatest potential to create value through commercialisation, business and method development or societal impact. All the participating researchers are interested in closer contact with the business community for the application and continued development of their projects.

All about IVA’s 100 List – Q&A

By building bridges between the communities of research and business, we give research with the potential to change the world a greater opportunity to be put to good use.