Smart Industry competition

The Smart Industry Business Competition recognises and rewards companies that take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalisation in a smart and innovative way with clear results. The aim is to stimulate the digital and sustainable transformation of SMEs by highlighting best practice. The business competition has been held annually by IVA since 2016.

Person photographing award ceremony on stage with mobile phone
citat tecken

The award has not only given us an award, it has also created many new contacts and networks. The fact that we have been open about how we tackled the digitization journey has meant that we have been able to learn from other companies' challenges and experiences.

Clas Tengström, CEO Bror Tonsjö

Digitalisation by SMEs

The Smart Industry Business Competition is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises that take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalisation in a smart and innovative way, leading to clear improvements in resource efficiency or climate impact.

Anyone can nominate their own or someone else’s company. All the nominated companies are asked to accept their nomination and participate in the competition by answering a number of questions on a form.

All the entries received are then reviewed by a selection committee. Based on the selection, the jury compiles a shortlist of finalists to be interviewed, before the award-winners and recipients of any honorary mentions are selected. 

The prize-winners win a customised study trip for inspiration purposes. 

All prize-winners and honourable mentions

2024 - Winner: Embedl
Honourable mentions: Frontpac, Inify and IPercept

2023 - Winner: Minalyze
Honourable mentions: Åkerströms Björbo AB and Preformance AB

2021 – Winner: Bror Tonsjö AB.
Honourable mentions: SweeGreen and Vinden AB. 

2020 – Winner: Climeon.
Honourable mentions: OP Technology and ZeroPoint Technologies.

2019 – Winner: Mobilaris.
Honourable mentions: Moelven Valåsen AB and Moving Floor AB.

2018 – Winner: Garantell.

2017 – Winner: Lundqvist trävaru.
Honourable mentions: Fanhultstvätten and Atacac.

2016 – Winner: Emballator Plastics & Innovations.
Honourable mention: Väderstad AB.


Monica Sannerblom



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