How can the Swedish mining cluster strengthen Europe's supply of metals and minerals?
Sweden is one of Europe's most important mining countries, and the Swedish mining cluster is world-leading. But what role can Sweden, together with Finland, play in securing the supply of metals and minerals in Europe? Welcome to an international seminar where leading experts from the IVA project's international reference group, with participants from the USA, Latin America, Australia, and Europe, will discuss how we can strengthen our supply chains.
Event information
IVA Konferenscenter, Grev Turegatan 16, Stockholm.
The event is streamed online
Online: Free
On Location: Free
It is of central importance that Sweden quickly accelerates Europe's work to become more self-sufficient in terms of metals and minerals. Today, Europe is far too dependent on a few companies and countries outside the EU that control mineral resources and value chains. This was the conclusion of the IVA project "Roadmap for Metals and Minerals". IVA proposes, among other things, that an EU-wide expert body for monitoring the Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) should be established in Sweden and that we should take an active role in the EU's strategic international collaborations to secure value chains and become less dependent on individual countries and companies.
What do Sweden and the EU need to do? How can we improve cooperation to reduce our dependence on a few countries? How can the Swedish mining cluster contribute to strengthening Europe's supply chains? How can we make it more attractive for foreign and Swedish companies to prospect in Sweden? What will the EU's CRMA mean for Sweden? These are examples of questions that will be discussed at the seminar.
Participants (more speakers to be announced)
Riikka Aaltonen
Former Department for Innovations and Enterprise Finance/ Internationalisation and Sector-Specific Industrial Policy. Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland.
Prof Deborah Andrews
Professor of Design for Sustainability and Circularity, London South Bank University, United Kingdom
Dr Ana Elizabeth Bastida
Senior Lecturer in Law, Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law & Policy (CEPMLP), Dundee University, United Kingdom/Argentina
Dr. Ian Dover
Corporate Innovation Adviser, Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), och Critical Minerals Co-Chair, World Mining Congress 2023, Australia
Prof Rod Eggert
Professor, Colorado School of Mines, and Deputy Director, Critical Materials Institute (CMI), USA
Prof Pertti Lamberg
CEO of Anglo American Sakatti Project, Finland.
Sven Renner
Program Manager for the World Bank's Extractives Global Programmatic Support (EGPS) Multi-Donor Trust Fund, Energy and Extractives
Sylvia Schwaag Serger
President of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)