Commercial R&D investment

The project publishes an annual R&D barometer that highlights how companies view the R&D investment climate in Sweden and makes the development of investments over time visible. IVA's R&D barometer aims to improve the understanding of this development and provide a basis for proposals that can help increase Sweden's attractiveness for R&D investments.

citat tecken

R&D is one of the most important issues for Sweden as a nation. It represents the future of Swedish industry, and without industry, we have no one to fund our welfare system.

Pontus de Laval, Steering Committee Chair

About the project

Commercial R&D investment

Duration: 2019-

Steering Committee Chair: Pontus de Laval

Project manager: Michael Jacob

Funding providers: Stiftelsen för strategisk forskning, Vinnova, Rise, Teknikföretagen, Svenskt Näringsliv och IKEM – Innovations och kemiindustrierna i Sverige

First produced in 2019, the R&D barometer is based on a survey of the Swedish climate for research and development (R&D) which is answered by R&D managers in Swedish businesses. A number of in-depth interviews are also conducted as a complement to the questionnaire.

The companies involved in the 2022 survey employ a total of around 54,500 people in R&D in Sweden, which equates to 72 percent of all R&D employees in the corporate sector, according to the latest figures from Statistics Sweden. Participants include some of the companies with the most R&D employees in Sweden, such as Ericsson, Saab, Volvo Cars, Scania, AB Volvo and Astra Zeneca.

Steering Committee

Pontus de LavalKnut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (Chair)
Emil Görnerup, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
Lena Svendsen, IKEM
Lars Hultman, SSF
Patrik Sandgren, Technology Industrires of Sweden
Göran Marklund, Vinnova
Per Lindquist, RISE
Anna Sandström, Astra Zeneca


Michael Jacob

Policy Director

Telefon: +46 720 - 70 90 91