Research2Business (R2B)
With its Research2Business (R2B) project IVA wants to support Sweden’s efforts to become a leader in turning academic research into innovation and competitiveness in business and industry. The goal is to strengthen and increase collaboration between university research and businesses to mutually benefit all actors. R2B is responsible for, among other things, compiling IVA’s 100-list, which will be published for the sixth time in 2024, and organizing the annual R2B Summit.

Bringing more innovations to the market, creating more value from research and strengthening Sweden’s competitiveness is an incredibly interesting area.
Marianne Dicander Alexandersson, Steering Committee Chair
About the project
Duration: 2018–
Steering Committee Chair: Marianne Dicander Alexandersson
Project Manager: Malin Mohr
Funding providers and partners: Vinnova, Almi, the Swedish Intellectual Property Office (PRV), Voima Ventures, the Knowledge Foundation, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, the Association of Swedish Engineering Industries, Sweden’s universities and colleges.

IVA’s 100 List
IVA’s annual 100 List pulls together a wide range of research projects from Swedish higher education institutions on topical themes – all with the potential to create value, through commercialisation, business and method development or societal impact.
By building bridges between the research and business communities, we offer greater opportunities for potentially world-changing research to realise its commercial and social value.
To IVA’s 100 List