Roadmap for Metals and Minerals

The green transition means a sharp increase in demand for metals and minerals. Today, a few countries outside Europe control these resources. But Sweden and other countries in the EU have great potential to secure their supply, not least through rich ore deposits. The main question for IVA's project Roadmap for Metals and Minerals is how Sweden and Europe can sustainably secure the supply of metals and minerals.

About the project

Roadmap for Metals and Minerals

Duration: 2022-2024

Steering Committee Chair: Elisabeth Nilsson

Project Manager: Karin Byman 

Funded by: ABB, Epiroc AB, LKAB, Ragn-Sells, Sandvik AB and Zinkgruvan Mining with support from Mistra (Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research), the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) and Swedish Mining Innovation, a joint initiative of Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency.

Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine changed the conditions for international trade in metals and minerals. At the same time, Sweden and other EU countries have large ore deposits. Metals and minerals can also be recovered from existing products and waste. We are therefore well placed to meet the increased needs.

The project will:

  • Describe the conditions for a sustainable supply of metals and minerals in Europe.
  • Analyse the opportunities and obstacles to securing the supply of metals and minerals for the green transition in a sustainable manner.
  • Present concrete proposals and recommendations to politicians and other decision-makers in Sweden and the EU.

Steering Committee and Expert Groups

Reference Groups

Roadmap for metals and minerals



Karin Byman

Project Manager

Technology and economics

Telefon: +46 70-574 70 72